Ask The Herbalist: Free answers to questions related to common health problems (Page 92) : Dherbs, Herbal Formulas

Ask The Herbalist

Check out this article: "Sarcoidosis".

Give the Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen a try. You can follow up this kit with the Full Body Cleanse. Visit our on-line store to order!

Full Body Cleanse
Respiratory Cleanse and Regimen
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Your wife can breast feed while performing the LIQUID Children Detox (liquid extracts). Capsules version may prove too strong for her body. Please read "Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Detoxing".

You might want to go through our articles on our site (under ARTICLES) and read a few of our articles on the male penis and related subjects on Men's Health. You'll find the answers you need there your situation is reversible so don't worry about anything! Just relax! All is well!

Yes, perform the Full Body Cleanse, followed by The Female Cleanse, followed by the Fibriod Buster Cleanse And Regime. Read some of our articles too, i.e. "Endometriosis". And don't trust some robot-minded doctor to tell you if you can or can't have children. That's YOUR decision and your decision alone to make.

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Read the article "What Can I Do To Get Bigger and Gain More Weight?". You'll find it under "Articles". Thank you for inquiring!

I think you'll find our 10 Day Colon Cleanser right up your alley, very effective, and very gentle to your system. Please give it a try to help eradicate your constipation. FYI: It is ideal to detox with the Full Body Cleanse first and then the 10 Day Colon Cleanser. There is much healing in store for you! Claim it NOW! Peace and Love!

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse

Use tea tree oil, lavender oil, etc. In your bath water. Add hydrogen peroxide (1 cup) as well. You can oil down with Oxy-Oil after the bath!

Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)

Allergies mean DETOX, DETOX, DETOX! Put the child on the Children Detox (liquid extracts) and let her drink African-Carribean Spring Cleanser Tea for 2 weeks (1 cup daily). The pollen is really nature's way of telling folks to get in tune with nature. It's not the allergies or pollen per say, but what is eaten and eaten too much of. Cleanse the body and the allergies will go away! Please read the "Allergies" article.

This is a blood condition (toxic blood) and the person needs to detox (Full Body Cleanse) and soak daily for 1 hour in hot water, 2 boxes of sea salt, and hydrogen peroxide. After the cleanse, the person needs to take 5 capsules of Electric Greens Combo six times per day. The person needs to rub Oxy-Oil over their body after bathing! Do this for starters and keep us abreast of the progress.

Full Body Cleanse
Electric Greens Combo
Oxy-Oil (8 oz)
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Oxy-Oil (4 oz)

You have to be consistent with the herbs. Stay on the Pancreas Cleanse And Regimen until you see and feel results. Don't just do one kit! Read our "Diabetes" article as well! In re diet ... You need to stop eating meat, dairy, refined grains, sugar, salt, cooked foods, processed foods, junk food, etc. You can be helped by you must do the work!

Pancreas Cleanse

Yes, you can take both formulas simultaneously and NO you don't have to cut the dosage! Please read "How To Take Herbs".

Anti-V Formula
Yoni Cleanser

I remember just recently e-mailing you on this inquiry. Your diet MUST CHANGE! Consider full fledged RAW FOODS and VEGAN diet during your healing transition. Lactaid milk is HORRIBLE for you. Did you read our "Fibroid Tumors" article?????? You need to keep on performing Full Body Cleanse followed by Uterus Formula kit and regimen, back to back! Continuously! Detoxing must become a lifestyle for you! For iron, consider Iron Phosphate formula and Menstrual Cycle Formula. Also, consider a telephone consultation because time is greatly limited in writing back in response to inquiries. There is much healing for you, Beloved!

Full Body Cleanse
Iron Formula
Menstrual Cycle Formula
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Uterus Cleanse

Water remains ozonated for about 10-15 minutes and dissolves instantly once machine is off. Best ways to consume ozone is drinking it in water and bathing in it. All ways help though! I do them all!

Tom's of Maine (non-fluoride), Nature's Gate, Peelu and Ayurveda. Please check some of our articles on Oral Health.

You're blood is TOXIC and needs purifying and cleansing! Acne is the result of your skin defecating via the skin because your eliminative channels are not working. Read our articles ("Skin Rash", "Vaginal Odors and Discharges", etc.). Perform the Full Body Cleanse followed by The Female Cleanse, change your diet (raw foods and vegan), soak in hot water, sea salt, and hydrogen peroxide DAILY! All of your problems are connected which is why the total body needs cleansing. Please read the "Acne" article.

Full Body Cleanse
The Female Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

1. Full Body Cleanse 2. Dherbs 10 Day Colon Cleanser super foods are great! For hair growth, hey, read our articles on the subject! Visit "Articles". In re weight training, that's up to you, Beloved! I don't advocate weight lifting.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
10 Day Colon Cleanse

Just do the Blood & Lymphatic Formula for now until he can Full Body Cleanse and do the diet. Just do what you can do diet-wise given the circumstances. Please read the "Acne" article.

Full Body Cleanse
Blood & Lymphatic
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

1. Detoxify your whole body (Full Body Cleanse). 2. Change your diet (more raw foods; vegan - NO meat and dairy; processed foods; acidic beverages, etc.). 3. After your detox, daily regimen should consist of Hair Skin Nails formula, MSM Sulfur, Electric Greens Combo, Multi-Vitamins and Minerals formula, and Khemetian Gold.

Full Body Cleanse
Electric Greens Combo
Hair Skin Nails
MSM Sulfur
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Multi-Vitamins and Minerals

Dherbs sells Multi-Vitamins and Minerals formula and Calcium Formula that are 100% natural and organic. Visit our On-Line store. Any body can take vitamins, Beloved, Gender doesn't matter!

Multi-Vitamins and Minerals

Zinc Formula
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