FAQ: Bowel Motion The Natural Supplement For Regular Bowel Movements (Herbs And Herbal Remedies For Digestion, Constipation And Bloating, Dherbs, Herbs for Colon, Herbal Supplements, Natural Supplements, Herbal Formulas, Cleanse) (page 1)

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FAQ: Bowel Motion

We recommend in the evening so it may help in stimulating peristalsis in the morning.
We would only recommend you taking one of these formulas at a time as the botanicals in both formulas can stimulate peristalsis.

The Bowel Motion helps stimulate peristalsis and helps the body feel lighter by alleviating bloating. The Intestinal Cleanser Formula contains a combination of plants, naturally high in fiber, that has been formulated to help maintain intestinal health allowing the walls of the colon to better absorb nutrients.

Zinc Formula
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