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Try eating something 20-30 minutes before taking your capsules to help offset the burning sensation by giving your digestive system sustenance to help absorb the herbs. Your stomach could also be very sensitive as well. If you need to, lower your dosage from 5 pills to 2 or 3 (which will result in some pills left over after the 20 days).  Please read "How To Take Herbs".

For Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, I recommend our Full Body Cleanse and Pancreas Kit & Regimen. After your 3-week pancreas cleanse, I'd recommend that you take the following formulas daily: PANCREAS FORMULA (3 capsules) SUGAR BUSTER (3 capsules) CARDIOVASCULAR FORMULA (3 capsules). Thank you for your interest!!!

Full Body Cleanse
Pancreas Formula
Sugar Formula
Pancreas Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

Check out our Bunny Rabbit Formula. It contains herbs that are intended to help with libido.

Bunny Rabbit

You can check our recipe section on our website. There you will find tons of smoothie and food recipes. To make a smoothie use a base (some kind of fruit juice, water, or nut milk), add your favorite frozen or non-frozen fruits, add a little ice and BLEND (for about 1 minute)! Wa la ... you have a fruit smoothie!

We highly recommend the Full Body Cleanse followed by the Pancreas Kit. Both of these cleanses can benefit diabetes, stroke and high blood pressure. Individual herbs that should be taken after these cleanses/regimens include: Pancreas Aid, Cardiovascular and Bowel Motion

Full Body Cleanse
Bowel Motion
Pancreas Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)
Pancreas Aid

Keep drinking plenty of water and start taking Dherbs' Intestinal Cleanser and Bowel Motion. They will help to get rid of your hemorrhoidal condition. If you are going to eat chicken, eat grilled or baked chicken. Stay away from fried foods and processed food and keep eating your veggies and fruits. 

Bowel Motion
Intestinal Cleanser

Kalawalla is an all-natural herbal supplement. Its effectiveness is unknown to us, but it may be beneficial because of its all-natural ingredients.

While we don't give medical advice, the choice is basically up to you to make your own decision. Do what you feel is best! Migraine headaches (headaches) are explained on our Detox Troubleshooter sheet. Basically, you are very toxic! Drink plenty of water and make sure you are getting enough to eat. Have some healthy fats like avocado or brazil nuts to keep you satiated.

You may take the Vegan Protein as it doubles as raw food. However, you may NOT take any other formulas while on the cleanse, including Jackrabbit. Start the Jackrabbit once you are done with the cleanse. 

Full Body Cleanse
Vegan Protein
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

You can cleanse as much as you like simply listening to your body. Ideally, one can cleanse every 3-4 months or with every seasonal change.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

For menstrual problems we recommend you try our Menstrual Cycle Formula.

Menstrual Cycle Formula

Almond and Rice milk are better than soy milk. Search "salad dressings" on our website and you will find many raw recipes that can help you.

Herbs can help your brother and his foot condition. We recommend he perform the Full Body Cleanse to aid with circulation and removing impurities that may be causing adverse symptoms. He should also soak his foot in hot water, 1 box sea salt, and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide DAILY.

Full Body Cleanse
Full Body Cleanse Companion (eBook)

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