Chakra Cleansing, Aura Cleansing, Chakra Balancing Elixirs, Aura Sprays, Aura Cleansing Sprays, Aura Cleansers

Aura Sprays Aura Sprays are metaphysical tools that are great for energy or vibrational work, i.e. chakra balancing, visualization, and mental science, or for purposes of neutralizing the negative aspects of daily life in the city and other unnatural environs that zap us of vital life force or energy, positivity, optimism, zeal, enthusiasm, and that create stress, negative anxiety, anger, frustration, fear, worry, and concern which is part of the grand plan of the Matrix we reside in today for purposes of keeping us enslaved and on a lower vibration in hopes of preventing ascension and evolution.

Our elixir sprays are small enough to carry in a purse or to place in an office desk or drawer.

To find out how effective our elixir sprays are, have your aura photographed with Kirlian technology and look at your photographed aura without our elixir spray. Then, simply spray one of our elixir sprays above your head as directed before having your aura retaken, and simply look at the difference in amazement.

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Aura Sprays - Dherbs
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