Reviews: Activated Charcoal

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131 results
  • Activated Charcoal

    Greetings DHERBS Family: As a sistah who practices holistic health, I would certainly recommend it to anyone. However, my whole foods diet (mostly raw) & the gift of Activated Charcoal has been a great money-saver & health enhancer. *
  • Activated Charcoal

    Love this product, I really don't know if this is whats making me have more energy than I can account for during the morning. I also notice that I have regular bowel movements. *
  • Activated Charcoal

    I must say DHERBS has delivered again with this product (Activated Charcoal). Great ! I’m sharing it with everyone I know. *
  • Activated Charcoal

    I enjoy taking the activated charcoal. Initially, I was concerned about the taste but I found that it truly is tasteless! *
  • Activated Charcoal

    I must say this is one the best products you have! I am able to sleep better at night. Keep up the good work. *
  • Activated Charcoal

    5 stars for the speed it arrived to me and the amount that 1 oz turned to be. It is actually more than what I expected. Also, when I used the recommended amount (1/2 tsp) I was so gleefully surprised by how it mixed with the water giving a fizz sound but made the water so uniformly clouded with charcoal. The surface area is definitely intense!! This product is amazing...! *
  • Activated Charcoal

    Just want to say thanks for Dherbs, (Activated) charcoal is great! *
  • Activated Charcoal

    This product is good for you. *
  • Activated Charcoal

    This product is excellent & strongly recommended. Being mostly vegetarian is hard in today's world. This product is excellent. It really does work and doesn't require daily use. *
131 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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