Reviews: Full Body Cleanse

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  • Full Body Cleanse

    I got this kit to “reset” my eating habits and my body. I strictly followed the plan and it’s been a few weeks since I completed the 20 days. I have maintained the eating plan and as of today I have lost 7 lbs in 29 days. There are lots of pills to take throughout the day and the pill box it came with certainly was handy!!! I strongly advise Dherbs to repackage the activated charcoal… that was the messiest powder I’ve ever had to deal with. I tolerated it because it works. I did end up dumping it all into a container that was easier to open and close without getting poofs of black clouds everywhere! I firmly feel this product helped me stay on track. I never felt my energy levels fluctuate or have any “ crashes”. Following the plan provided and the recipes on Dherbs were the life saver!!! The recipes are so good I have added several to my weekly menu! *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I lost 21 lbs. on my cleanse. I'm not big a pill taker, so it was a little tough taking 30 pills a day. But also at the same time taking them and drinking all that water, caused me to never be hungry. Maybe if you can make a liquid form of this cleanse, just to make it a little less hard with all those pills. I will definitely try it again. I do want to try the Female and/or Weight Release Cleanses in the near future. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    Worked well and I lost 11-13 real pounds. Will do it again when out of town - where the distractions would be less. Best product for your money to kick start a healthy lifestyle. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I actually enjoyed the 20 day program and plan to do it again in the near future. I believe that the product did what it was intended to do. I just wish there weren't as many pills to take. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    Takes a lot of discipline, and you will take a lot of pills but it works. Lost 12 lbs (expected more- due to me not cheating) but I will take what I can get. Worth a try. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    The products are excellent! I still have (10) days left on my Full Body Cleanse. The only thing that has been difficult for me is taking (30) pills a day. I’ve learned so much about healthy eating and I plan to continue eating that way. There are some many recipes I can’t wait to try. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    I decided to do the cleanse after seeing how my family members had benefited from it. This cleanse did wonders for my skin, my energy level, and minimized the inflammation in my body. Sleep has been restful and I awake refreshed and ready to start my day. I will most definitely do the cleanse again. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    The Full body cleanse was amazing. I started to feel the effects around the 3rd day. My energy level increased, my body aches decreased. I lost 2 lbs in day 2. Although I wanted to see an immediate change in my weight, I must say I experienced a change in the way my clothes fit first. So I saw a change in the way my clothes fit before it showed on the scale. After week one, my energy level improved, I slept better and I woke up more energized, focused and ready to start my day. I definitely recommend the Dherbs full body cleanse. One thing to note also is, we have a part that we have to play in this as well. It will require self decline. If we want to be successful with this cleanse, at first it will be a challenge because we are used to eating a certain way, and we can no longer eat that way. Going from eating cooked foods to All raw Veggies and Fruits, no meat, no processed, canned or packaged food is quite hard. So it will require self discipline. At the end of the cleanse I lost 15 lbs but I felt the best I have felt mentally, physically and spiritually in a long, long time. It has been a month since my completion of the cleanse and so I am about to purchase the next phase of product to help me maintain and continue to live a healthier life. It is definitely worth investing in yourself because you can’t do it on your own. *
  • Full Body Cleanse

    This was my first time and it was hard but as time went on it got easier. Going raw takes some time. *
5025 results

* Testimonials are NOT intended for the advertisement, promotion, or marketing of our herbs, compounds, formulas, and cleanses but exclusively to give the people a medium to express their personal experiences under the right of "free speech" protected by U.S.Const.Amend.1. Results are not typical/ Results may vary.

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