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Use the teas if you're still Detoxing. Check our Uterus Cleanse and ParaWrm Tea. If you're breastfeeding do not take the ParaWrm Tea as it will dry up your milk flow.

ParaWrm Tea
Uterus Cleanse

We recommend trying the Activated Charcoal. It's a supplement that is mixed into water, that rids anything toxic from your body. The Activated Charcoal will help assist with getting the virus out eliminating vomiting.

Activated Charcoal

Don't juice collard greens. Juice parsley, cilantro, spinach, and celery. Please read some of our articles on Arthritis.

I can't and won't spend a lot of time in this response because it's so common and too much information on it already exists on the site (i.e. Detox Troubleshooting, article "Healing Crisis", "Is This Normal?) 1. Please read the article "Healing Crisis". 2. Please read the article "Is This Normal?" 3. Please read "Detox Troubleshooting" ("Twitching"). 4. Please read FAQ ("Frequently Asked Questions") near bottom of the page (which explains that there are no refunds for healing crisis symptoms). Healing crisis is POSITIVE and is a sign much needed healing and cleansing is taking place. Clearly you have damaged nerves that really needed addressing and it's taking place but your fear predicated upon ignorance is stopping the process. You experience healing crisis and panic and want to stop the healing and desire a refund. We don't refund for misunderstandings, fear, social programming, etc. Healing crisis don't last forever! Many people experience healing crisis but still stick with the program. Read some of the testimonials on the site.

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